In Cunha Soares, professional training is regarded as a high investment. It’s with the purpose of increase everyone’s safety that we periodically develop training actions. We are aware that these actions increase business sustainability and competitiveness, but also that this culture enhances not only the individual but also the environment that surround us.
An added value
For the company, because it can increase its competitiveness in the national and / or international markets if its employees acquire more skills or knowledge about specific areas. This brings to the industry new job prospects and performances which provides fast and effective solutions to future challenges.
For the employee, because throughout his professional life technologicals changes, organizationals changes or otherwise, require the adequacy of acquired knowledge to new realities.
Health and Safety at Work
Cunha Soares develops training activities aimed to providing employees with the necessary knowledge to manage the issues of Health and Safety at Work, with the adoption of proactive safety attitudes in an individual context as in interaction with the work teams, enabling the improvement of the quality of work and the reduction of accidents.