Cunha Soares, S.A.
The name Cunha Soares has, since the 70’s, being associated with the electrical industry. Having previously existed other activity records with the name of Cunha Soares, only in 1984 the name Cunha Soares & Filhos,Lda. is established later originating the company that we now know as Cunha Soares & Filhos, SA.

Our values
Since Cunha Soares S.A. was created in 1984, we have worked with efficiency, humility, pragmatism, safety / quality and reinforcing teamwork. These are values that we intend to prevail in future projects and that each member of our team continues to follow.
We control the environmental impacts associated to our business.
Waste management
We properly manage all residues in order to reduce, recycle, re-use and/or value them whenever possible.
We promote a health environment for all our employees.
Safety and health are a priority for all employees of Cunha Soares.
We believe in motivation, stimulating the capacity for iniciative and teamwork.
Professional training
We promote continuing education to maintain a high level of technical skills.
The name Cunha Soares has, since the 70’s, being associated with the electrical industry. Having previously existed other activity records with the name of Cunha Soares, only in 1984 the name Cunha Soares & Filhos,Lda. is established later originating the company that we now know as Cunha Soares & Filhos, SA.
The company was a pioneer in the construction of overhead lines in Portugal and has brought numerous innovations concerning the construction methods in this area of activity. Presently, the company accuses more than 30 years of experience, preserved either trough family management but also due to same special workers that are a part of this family since day one. During this period we have based our business in delivering what we contracted with our customers, wether they are small, large, public or private so we say to all who work with Cunha Soares that “we honnor all our commitments“.
Cunha Soares in the electrical business, having been associated with other activity records.
The company Cunha Soares & Filhos, Lda appears, giving rise later to Cunha Soares & Filhos S.A ..
Obtains certification of the Quality Management system.
Starts its internationalization (São Tomé and Príncipe).
Obtains security certification.
Biletric, SARL is constituted in the Republic of Guinea Bissau.
Achieves Environmental certification.
Change and expansion of facilities.
Business volume per region
- Europe
- Africa
- Portugal
Turnover per sector
- Electricity
- Construction
- Substations